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what's gmat test : The Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT, pronounced G-mat) is a standardized test for measuring aptitude to succeed academically in graduate business studies. Business schools commonly use the test as one of many selection criteria for admission into an MBA program. It is given at various locations around the world. In many international locations, the GMAT is administered only via computer. In those international locations where an extensive network of computers has not yet been established, the GMAT is offered either at computer-based testing centers or as a paper-based test (given once or twice a year) at local testing centers. At least 1500 business / management programs all over the world use GMAT scores as part of their application process.
The GMAT exam measures basic verbal, mathematical and analytical writing skills that the examinee has developed over a long period of time in his education and work. It does not measure specific knowledge of business, job skills, or subjective qualities.
Such as motivation, creativity, and interpersonal skills. If a test taker's first language is not English, he or she may still perform well on the exam; however, the GMAT exam may not accurately reflect the abilities of someone who is not proficient in English. Scores are valid for five years (at most institutions) from the date the test taker sits for the exam. Call CNOSPL - educational consultant for more information.
The GMAT exam is administered entirely in English. The quantitative and verbal sections of the exam are “computer adaptive” i.e. questions are chosen for you based on how you have answered the previous questions. In general, the more correct answers you give, the more difficult the test becomes. Your score is based on both the difficulty of the questions answered and the number of correct responses. By adjusting to your individual ability level, the computer adaptive test shortens the time it takes to complete the exam and establishes a higher level of accuracy than a fixed test. Call CNOSPL - educational consultant for what's gmat test and how to take one.
The verbal section consists of 41 multiple-choice questions, which must be answered within 75 minutes. There are three types of questions: sentence correction, critical reasoning and reading comprehension. The verbal section is scored from 0 to 60 points with a current mean of 27.3/60.
This tests grammar and expression. Sentence correction items consist of a sentence, all or part of which has been underlined, with five associated answer choices. The test taker must choose the best way of rendering the underlined part. This question type tests the ability to recognize standard Written English. The task is to evaluate the grammar, logic, and effectiveness of a given sentence and to choose the best of several suggested revisions. Choice (A) repeats the original; the other answer choices vary. It tests the ability to recognize correct and effective expression. It follows the requirements of Standard Written English: grammar, word choice and sentence construction. The goal is to choose the answer that results in the clearest, most exact sentence and does not change the meaning of the original sentence.
This tests logical thinking. Critical thinking items present an argument that the test taker is asked to analyze. Questions may require to draw a conclusion, to identify assumptions, or to recognize strengths or weaknesses in the argument. It presents brief statements or arguments and asks to evaluate the form or content of the statement or argument. Questions of this type ask the examinee to analyze and evaluate the reasoning in short paragraphs or passages. For some questions, all of the answer choices may conceivably be answers to the question asked. The examinee should select the best answer to the question, that is, an answer that does not require to make assumptions that violate common sense standards by being implausible, redundant, irrelevant, or inconsistent.
This tests the ability to read critically. Reading comprehension questions relate to a passage that is provided for the examinee to read. The passage can be about almost anything, and the questions about it test how well the examinee understands the passage and the information in it. As the name implies, it tests the examinee's ability to understand the substance and logical structure of a written selection. The GMAT uses reading passages of approximately 200 to 350 words. Each passage has three or more questions based on its content. The questions ask about the main point of the passage, about what the author specifically states, about what can be logically inferred from the passage, and about the author's attitude or tone.
The quantitative section consists of 37 multiple-choice questions, which must be answered within 75 minutes. There are two types of questions: problem solving and data sufficiency. The quantitative section is scored from 0 to 60 points and the current mean score is 35.0/60.
This tests the quantitative reasoning ability. Problem solving questions present multiple-choice problems in arithmetic, basic algebra, and elementary geometry. The task is to solve the problems and choose the correct answer from among five answer choices. Some problems will be plain mathematical calculations; the rest will be presented as real life word problems that will require mathematical solutions.
All numbers used are real numbers
The diagrams and figures that accompany these questions are for the purpose of providing useful information in answering the questions. Unless it is stated that a specific figure is not drawn to scale, the diagrams and figures are drawn as accurately as possible. All figures are in a plane unless otherwise indicated
This tests the quantitative reasoning ability using an unusual set of directions. The examinee is given a question with two associated statements that provide information that might be useful in answering the question. The examinee then has to determine whether either statement alone is sufficient to answer the question; whether both are needed to answer the question; or whether there is not enough information given to answer the question.
Data sufficiency is a unique type of math question created especially for the GMAT. Each item consists of the questions followed by two numbered statements.
The examinee must decide whether the statements — either individually or in combination — provide enough information to answer the question.
The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section of the test consists of two essays. In the first, the student must analyze an argument and in the second the student must analyze an issue. Each essay must be written within 30 minutes and is scored on a scale of 0-6. The essay is read by two readers who each mark the essay with a grade from 0-6, in 0.5 point increments with a mean score of 4.1. If the two scores are within one point of each other, they are averaged. If there is more than one point difference, the essays are read by a third reader.
The first reader is Intellimetric, a proprietary computer program developed by Vantage Learning, which analyzes creative writing and syntax of more than 50 linguistic and structural features. The second and third readers are humans, who evaluate the quality of the examinee's ideas and his or her ability to organize, develop and express ideas with relevant support. While mastery of the conventions of written English factor into scoring, minor errors are expected, and evaluators are trained to be sensitive to examinees whose first language is not English.
As it was said before, each of the two essays in the Analytical Writing Part of the test is graded on a scale of 0 (the minimum) to 6 (the maximum):
0 An essay that is totally illegible or obviously not written on the assigned topic.
1 An essay that is fundamentally deficient.
2 An essay that is seriously flawed.
3 An essay that is seriously limited.
4 An essay that is merely adequate.
5 An essay that is strong.
6 An essay that is outstanding.
The Total Score, comprised of the quantitative and verbal sections, is exclusive of the analytical writing assessment (AWA), and ranges from 200 to 800. About two-thirds of test takers score between 400 and 600. The score distribution resembles a bell curve with a standard deviation of approximately 100 points, meaning that the test is designed for 68% of examinees to score between 400 and 600, while the median score was originally designed to be near 500.
The quantitative and verbal sections comprise a computer-adaptive test. The first question may be difficult. The next few questions in each section may be around the 500 level. If the examinee answers correctly, the next questions are harder. If the examinee answers incorrectly, the next questions are easier. The questions are pulled from a large pool of questions and delivered depending on the student's running score. These questions are regularly updated to prevent them from being compromised by students recording questions.
The final score is not based solely on the last question that the examinee answers. The algorithm used to build a score is more complicated than that. This means that the examinee can make a silly mistake and answer incorrectly and that the computer will recognize that item as an anomaly. In other words, if the examinee misses the first question, his score will fall somewhere in the bottom half of the range. However, the first 5 questions are important as a whole because they go a long way to determining the score potential.
Also, questions left blank (that is, those not reached) hurt the examinee more than questions answered incorrectly. Each test section also includes several experimental questions, which do not count toward the examinee's score, but are included to judge the appropriateness of the item for future administrations.
They range from 0 to 60. Verbal scores below 9 and above 44 and Quantitative scores below 7 and above 50 are rare. Verbal and Quantitative scores measure different skills and cannot be compared with one another.
They range from 0 to 6 and represent the average of the ratings from the two GMAT essays. Because the essays are scored so differently from the Verbal and Quantitative sections, essay scores are not included in the total score.
If you have any questions what's gmat test or study abroad without GMAT call CNOSPL - preferred overseas educational consultant.
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